- Therapeutic dentistry
- Restoration
- Oral surgery
- Prothetics
- Dental laboratory
- Physiotherapy
Professional, highly qualified and friendly staff of our clinic will consult and provide appropriate variants of treatment and prosthetics:
- Aesthetic, cosmetic restoration of teeth with any level of complicity.
- Correction of form, colour, position of teeth with Composite Resin, Nano-composite Resin, and natural tooth-colored fillings. Veneers.
- High quality and painless treatment of root canals.
- Getting oral cavity ready for prosthetics.
- Scaling and root planing, ultrasonic cleaning , useful advices for oral hygiene, covering teeth withFluor Protector, anticarious lacquers and gels.
- Oral surgery (extraction, Wisdom teeth, Apicoectomy, removal of oral cysyts and other operations).
- Dental implants. Bone Grafting.
- Prosthetics with Porcelain, Ceramic (Crowns/Bridges), with precious metals and alloys.
Practice hours
Monday-Friday: 7:00 - 21:00
Duty doctor 8.00 - 20.30
Saturday: 8.00 -14.00 (duty doctor)
Reception: +375 162 291380
Прием пациентов в нерабочее время,
воскресенье, праздничные дни, ночные часы